Искусства и ремесла Средневековья

Gold and SilYer


Of dislies, the records are meagre, but theгc is an amпsing entry among the Lisle papcrs referring to а сонрlс of "conserve dishes " fог ,vhicl1 Lady Lisle cxpressed а wish. Husee had been oгdered to рrосше these, but w1·ites, "I can gct no conserve dishcs ... ho\Ycve1·, if they Ье to Ье had, I \Vill have of them, 01· it shall cost me hot ,vater!" А little later hc obseгves, "Towards Christшas day they shall Ье made at Bcvoys, betwixt Abbeville and Paris." Flagons wcre evidently а novelty in 1471, for tl1ere is an entry in the Issue Roll of Ecl,,·ard IV., ,vhicl1 mentions" two ollas called silver flagons for tlie King." An olla \Vas а Latin teгm fог а jar. Lord Lisle rejoiced in '' а pair of flagons, tlie gilt sorc ,Yo1·n." Напарs ,vere more usнal, and appear to lшve Ьееп нsually in the form of goЫets. They frequeнtly had staшls callcd" tгipeгs." Sometimes thesc stands ,vcre vш·у oгnatc, as, for instancc, one o,vпcd Ьу the Bishop of Caгpentгas, "iп tl1c shape of а flying dragon, ,vith а cro,vned daшsel sitting uроп а grceп terrace." Anotheг, beloпgiпg to the Coнntess of Cambгidge, ,vas described as beiпg "iп the sl1ape of а moпster, with th1·ce bнttгesses and tliree bosses of mother of pcarl .. . апd an e,vc1·, ... partly eпam­ elled with divers babooneries" - а dclightful cxpгes­ sion ! Otl1eг hanaps \Yei·e in the forms of s,vans, oak trees, white harts, eagles, lions, and the likc - рrоЬаЫу often of heгaldic sigпificance. А set of platters was sent from Paris to Richard П., all of gold, with balas ruЬics, pearls and sapphires set

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