Искусства и ремесла Средневековья
3G A1·ts and C1·afts in tЬе Middle Ages
in some other departmeпts ! Не also lшd а " pair of silver bottles, partly gilt, and enaшcllcd, garnished \Vith tissues of silk, white апd Ыuе/' ашl а " castiпg bottle " for distrihuting perfшne. Silver candelabra \\ r еге rccol'dcd; thcse, of сошsе, nшst havc been in constant service, as the facilities for lighting were largely dependeпt upon tl1em. ,vьen tl1e Cгo,vn ,vas once oЫige<1 to ask а lоан from the Еагl of Salisbury, in 1432, the Еагl гcceived, as earпest of payшent, "t,vo golden candelab1·a, gamisl1ed with peaгls an(l p1·ecious stones." In the Close Roll of Henry III. of England, there is foпnd ап intcгcstiпg ordeг to а goklsшith: " Ed,yai·d, sоп of Епdо, ,vitl1 all haste, Ьу day авd Ьу пight, шаkе а спр ,vitl1 а foot fог tЬе Queen: ,veigl1ing t\\'O шai·ks, not шаге; price t,\"enty marks, against Clll'istmas, that she may dгink fгom it in that feast: and paint it аш1 cnamel it all over, and iп cvery othcr way that you сан, let it Ье dccently and beaнtifпlly wrought, so tЬat the King, no less thaп the said Queen, may Ье сонtенt the1·ewit.h." All the yoпng pгinces апd princesses we1·e presented ,vitЬ silver снрs, also, as tl1ey саше to sнch age as шаdе the пsе of theш expcdient; Lionel and John, sons of E(l,Yaгd III., ,verc preseuted ,Yith rups 11 \vith leatliel' cove1·s fOl' tl1e sаше," \\ 1 hen tЬеу ,vere one and th1·ee уеагs old гespectively. In 1423 tЬс chief justice, Sir \Villiam Ha.nkfOl'd, gaYe }1is great-grand daughter а baptismal gift of а gilt снр and а diaшoпd 1·ing, togetЬer witЬ а сшiонs testimonial of eight shil liнgs and sixpeпce to tl1e nurse !
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