Искусства и ремесла Средневековья

38 A11:s and Crafts iп tl1e Jliddle Ages

in theш. It is rclated of tЬе ancient Fгaпkish king, Chilperic, that he had made а dish of solid gold, "oгпa­ mented all ovcr witЬ prccious stoвes, and ,vcighiвg fifty pounds," ,vhile Lothaiгe o,vncd an enormous silvcr basin bearing as dccoration " tl1e \Yoгld witl1 the coшses of the stars and tЬе planets." ТЬе poпinger ,vas а very important article of tаЫе use, fOI' рар, and soft foods sнсЬ as ,Уе should terш ceгeals, and for boiled pнdding. Tl1ese ,vеге all denomi­ nated porгidge, аш1 ,vеге eaten fгош thcse vessels. Soup ,vas douЬtless served in tЬеш as ,vell. ТЬеу ,vere вшnerous in eve1·y hoнsehold. In the Roll of Henry III. is an item, meвtioning that he had oгdered t,weпty porringcгs to Ье made, " like tlie one hundгed pOI'­ гingeгs" which had already been ordeгed ! An interesting pattern of silver снрs in Elizabethan times were tЬе " trussing cups," naшely, t,vo goЫets of silver, squat in shape and b1·oad in bowl, ,vhicЬ fitted together at the гiш, so that one ,vas inveгted as а sort of cover on top of the other ,vhen they ,vere not in use. Dгinking cups ,vere sometiшes made онt of cocoanuts, mounted in sil,rer, and often of ostrich eggs, similarly treated, апd less frequeвtly of horns hollowed out and set on feet. Mediffival loving снрs wеге usнally named, and frequently for some estates that belonged to the owner. Cups have been known to bear such names as " Spang," " Bealchieг," апd " CI"Umpuldud," while others bore tl1e names of the patron saints of tl1eir owners.

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