Искусства и ремесла Средневековья
Gold and Silver
of а knop. Tl1e small paten sc1·vcd as а covcr to the cup, as ]1as been mcntioнcd. It is поt aiways casy to see oid church plate where it шigiпally belonged. On the Scottish bordeг, for instancc, there \Уеге coпstant raids, ,vhcn tЬе Scots ,voнld descend нроn the Englisl1 pai·ish chшches, and bear off thP commuпion plate, and again the English would cross the bordeг ancl геtшn the comp]iшent. In old clшrches, such as the eieventh centuгy structшe at TOl'penhow, in Cшnbeгland, tЬе deep sockets still to Ье secn in the stone door jambs wегс iпteшlcd to support great beams ,vitЬ which the church ]iad constantly to Ье fortified against Scottisl1 invasion. Anot.heг гeason for the disappeaгaпce of chшch plate, ,vas tl1e occasional salc of tlic silvcr in шdсг to continue necessary 1·еpaiгs оп the fabric. In а chшch iп Norfolk, thcre is а гecord of sale of coшmtшion silveг and " for altcring of ош chшcl1 and fynnisl1ing of t]1c sашс according to ош mindes and thc parisЬioneгs. " It gocs оп to state t]шt tЬе procecds vve1·e appropгiatrcl for pнtting ne,Y glass in tl1c placP of certaiп wiшlows " ,vheгeiп ,verc coпteincd thc livcs of ce1·tain p1·ophanc histories," and fOl' " paving thc king's l1igh,vay" in thc church pгecincts. At the tiшc of tЬс Rcformation many vаlнаЫе examples of Chшch plate wc1·e cast aside Ьу ordcr of tЬе Commissioneгs, Ьу whir]1 " all шonuments of feyned miracles, pilgrimages, idol atry, ancl superstition," wcrc to Ьс dcstroycd. At tbls tiшe а ralf Ol' а RЬсср migl1t havc becn seen browsing in the meado,ys ,vitЬ а sacгing-bell fastened at its ncck,
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