Искусства и ремесла Средневековья
30 Arts and Crafts iв the Middle Ages
а gencral order ,vent out to the chнrches, for all '' chalices to Ье altered to decent Communion cups." The shape was greatly modified iп tliis change. In the thirteenth century the taste ran rather to а chaster form of decoгation; the large cabochons of the Romanesqнe, comЬined with а liquid gold surface, gave place to refined ornaшents in niello and delicate enaшels. Тlю bowls of the carlier chaliccs were rather ftat ашl bl'oad. \Vhen it Ьесаше usual for the laity to partake only of one clement ,vhen commнnicating, the chalicc, which ,vas гeserved fог the clergy alone, became шodifiecl to meet tl1is condition, and the bowl ,vas much sшaller. Afteг the Reformat,ion, howeve1·, the development ,vas quite in thc other diгection, the bowl being extremely large and deep. In that peгiod tЬеу ,vere kпo,Yn as commнnion cups. In Saпdwich thcre is а cup ,vhicl1 was madc оvег out of а ciboriuш; as it quite plainly s110,ys its origin, it is nai"vely inscribed: "This is а Coшmunion Соор." Wheв this clшngc in the form of tЬе cl1alice took place, it was provided, Ьу adшoпitioв of tl1c A1·chЬishop, in all cases witl1 а " cove1· of sil, r ег .. . which shall serve also for the ministгation of tl1e Communion b1·ead." То makc this dонЫе use of cover and dish satisfactoгy, а foot like а stand was added to thc paten. The communion cup of the Reformation differed from the chalicc, too, in being taller and straighter, with а deep bo,vl, almost in the proportions of а fla!ing tumЫer, and а stem ,vitl1 а few close decorations instead
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