Искусства и ремесла Средневековья
32 Arts and Crafts in tl1e Middle Ages
ancl the pigs refreshed themselves with drinking from holy-water fonts ! Croziers of orнate design especialiy roused the ire of the Puritans. In Мг. Alfгed lvlaskell's incomparaЫe book on IYOI'ies, he tгanslates а satirical versc Ьу Guy de Coquille, concerning these oЬjectionaЫe pastoral staves (whicl1 were often made of finely sculptured ivory).
11 The staff о( а Ьishop of days that are old Was of wood, and the Ьishop himself was of gold. But а Ьishop of wood prefers gorgeous array, So his staff is of golcl in the new fashioned wayl "
During the Renaissance especially, goldsmith's work was carгied to great technical peгfection, and yet the natural properties of the metal were frequently lost sight of, and tЬе craftsmen tгied to producc effects such as would Ье more sнitaЫc in stone or wood, - little arcЬitectonic featнres ,verc introduced, апd gold was frequently made to clo the ,vork of otЬer mateгials. Thнs it lost шнсh of its inherent effectiveness. Тоо much attention ,vas given to ingenuity, and not enoнgl1 to fitness and beauty. In documcнts of the foнrteenth century, the following list of goldsmiths is given: Jеап de Mantreux was gold sшith to Кing Jean. Сlанх de Friburg was celebrated fo1· а gold statнette of St. John which he made for the Dнke of Norшandy. А diadem fог this Duke was also 1·ec0l'ded, шаdе Ьу Jean de Pigнigny. Hanпequin made
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