Искусства и ремесла Средневековья

ОtЬе1· )Ietals


cighty уеагs of agc, опе of tl1e шost famoнs bro11ze casteгs whoш he had engaged to assist hiш in his \VOl'k for Francis I. Soшething ,vcпt ,пong ,vitl1 tl1e furnace, анd the poor old mап ,vas so нpset ancl "got iнto sнcl1 а ste,v "that he fell upon the flooг, and Beпvenuto picked him нр fancyiпg Ьiш to Ье dead: " Ho,vbeit," explains СеШпi, " I had а great beake1· of the choicest ,vine brought hiш, ... I mixed а large bumper of wiпe for the old man, who ,vas gгo<1ning away like anything, and I bade him most ,viпning-wise to drink, and said: ' Drink, ту father, for iн yonder fuшace has e11te1·ed in а devil, who is making all this шischief, and, look уо1.1, we'll just let blm Ьide there а couple of days, till he gets jolly well bored, and then will you and I togetheг in the space of thгee hours firing, make this metal гun, like so mнch batter, ашl ,vithoнt any exertion at all.' The old fellow draпk апd then I b1·oнgl1t him sоше little dainties to eat: шеаt pasties they were, nicely peppe1·ed, and I made hiш take do,vn fouг full goЫets of ,vine. Не ,vas а man quite out of the ordinai·y, this, анd а шost lovaЬle old thing, and ,vhat with my caresses and the virtнe of the wiпe, I fонпd him soon moaning a,vay as much ,vith joy as he liad moaвed before with grief." Cellini displayed in this incident his belief iп the gгeat pгinciple that tlle artist should find pleasшe in his work iп order to impart to that work а гeally satisfactoгy qнality, and did exactly the 1·igl1t thing at the right minнte; instead of tгнsting to а falteгiпg effort in а dishea1·tened man, he cheered the old bгonze founder

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