Искусства и ремесла Средневековья
134 Arts and Crafts in the Middle Ages
up to such а pitch tl1at after а day 01· two the work was coшpleted ,vith triumph and joy to both. In the famous statнe of Perseus, Cellini expeгienced much difficulty in kecping the шetal liquid. The accouпt of this th1·illing experieнce, told in his шatchless auto Ьiography, is too loпg to quote at this point; an inter csting ite1�, hoY\, .eYer, should Ье noted. Cellini used pe,vter as а solvent in the bronze which had hardeпed in tl1e furnace. "AppreЬcnding that the cause of it vvas, tl1at the fusiЬility of the шetal was impaired, Ьу the violeпce of the fire," Ье says, " I ordered all шу dishes and poпingers,whichwere in numbe1· about two hundred, to Ье placed one Ьу one befоге my tubes, and part of them to Ьс thrown iпto the furпace, upon which all present perceiYed that my bгonzc ,vas completely dissolved, and that my mould ,vas filling," and, such was the relief that even the loss of the entire pewteг servicc of thc family was sustained with cquanimity; the family, "without delay, procured earthen vessels to supply the place of the pewteг dishes and porringers, and we all dined together very cheerfully." Edgecumb Stalcy, in the " Guilds of Florence," speaks of the " pewter fattened Perseus: " this is ,vortl1y of Carlyle. Еагlу B1·itons cast statues in brass. Speed tells of Кing Cadwollo, who died in G77, being buried " at St. Martin's church near Ludgate, his image . great and terriЫe, triumpЬantly riding on horseback, artificially cast in brass, was placed on the "\Vestern gate of thc city, to the fuгther fear авd terror of the Saxons!"
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