Искусства и ремесла Средневековья

132 A1'1:s and Crafts in the Middle Ages

Italian ,veapons called " lasqнeпets " "'ere very deadly. In а Ietter fl'oш Albrecl1t Durel' to Piгckheimer, he alludes to them, as haviпg " roncions witl1 t,vo hundгed and eighteen points: and if they pink а шаn with ану of tЬese, the man is dead, as t11ey а1·е а11 poisoned.'' Broпze is composed of сорре1· ,vith ав a1loy of about eight 01· tеп per cent. of tiп. The fusing of tl1ese tvvo metals pI'o(lнces tl1e Ьro,vn glossy sнbstance ca1led Ьговzе, ,vhic11 is so (liffPгent fгom either of t11em. The art of tl1e Ьгопzе castel' is а very old and iпteгesting one. Tl1e mPtlюd of proceediпg has vaгiecl ve1·y Iittle ,vitЬ tЬе ceпtuгies. А statнe to Ье cast eitheг iп silver or b1·onze "'otlld Ье treated iн tl1e follo,ying mапнеr. А geпcral sешЫаnсе of the finished '\YOI'k was fi1·st set нр iп clay; tl1eп оvег this а layel' of wax ,vas laid, as tl1ick as tl1e fiпal bI"onze was iпteпded to Ье. The ,vax ,vas t11en ,vOI'ked ,vith tools апd Ьу hand until it took оп tlie exact fогш clesigned for t11e finishcd pгoclur.t. Tl1en а сгнst uf clay "·as ]aid over tЬе ,vax; on this ,vеге added otl1er coatiпgs of elay, uпtil qнite а tblck sl1ell of clay sнпotшded the ,vax. The \Yhole ,vas then subjected to fervent Ьеаt, and tЬе ,vax all me1ted онt, leaving а space Ьеtwсеп thc core and the oнter shell. Into this space t}1c liqнid Ь1·опzе was poured, and after it Ьаd cooled ancl Ьardened the онtег shell was brokeп off, leaving thc statue iп bronze exactly as thе wax lшd been. Celliпi гelates ап expe1·ience iп Pal'is, ,vith an old man

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