Искусства и ремесла Средневековья



bolt, and if you сап not appгeciate tЬе differeпce, both in priпciple апd result, I should recoшшend а course of historic art study until you аге convinced. On the otheг liand, it is поt necessary to carry your artistry so far that уон Ьuild а fence of пothing but cedar Iogs touclliпg one aпother, ш that уон cover уош евtiге doo1· ,vith а шeandei· of ,vrought iron which culшiвates in а sшall bolt. Enthusiastic follo,vers of the Aгts and Crafts шoveшent often go to шшЫd ехtгешеs. Recoynition of шate1·ial and шethod does not сошюtе а display of шethod and шaterial out of proportion to the deшaпds of the article to Ье constructecl. As iв otl1eг forшs of cнlture, Ьаlапсе and sanity аге necessary, in order to pгoduce а satisfactory resнlt. But ,vhen а craftsman is possessed of an resthctic instinct and facнlty, he шe1·its the congratulations offered to the studeпts of Bil'lningham Ьу \Villiam Morris, ,vhcn he t.old tl1em that tЬеу ,vere aшong the happiest people in all civШzatioп - u peгsons whose necessary daily work is insepaгaЫe from their greatest pleasшe." · А medireval a1·tist ,vas usпally а craftsшaп as well. Не ,vas not conteвt ,Yith fшnishing desigпs alone, and tЬсп liaвding tl1eш оУег to шеn ,vhose l1ands were t1·ained to their execut.ion, but he took l1is o,vn designs and carгicd tЬеш out. Thнs, tЬе desigпer adapted his dгa,ving to the deшands of Ьis material апd the crafts­ man ,vas necessaгily in syшpathy ,vitl1 the design since it was his own. The result ,vas а liaгmony of intention and execution which is often lacking when t,vo men of

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