Искусства и ремесла Средневековья



а respect for their own tools: а fгank recognition of the methods and implements eшployed in constructing any article. If the article iп question is а chair, and is really put together Ьу means of sockets and pegs, let these constructive necessities appear, and do not try to disguise the means Ьу which the result is to Ье attained. Make the requisite feature а beauty instead of а disgrace. It is amusing to see а Ne\v England farшer build а fence. Не begins ,vith good cedar posts, - fine, thick, solid logs, which аге at least genuine, and handsome so far as а cedar post is сараЫе of beiпg handsome. Уou think, " Ah, tlшt will Ье а good unobjectioпaЫe fence." But, belюld, as soon as the posts are in position, he carefully lays а flat plank vertically in front of each, so that the passer-by may fancy that he has performed the feat of making а fence of flat laths, thus going out of his way to conceal the one positive and good-looking feature in Ыs fence. Не seeшs to have some furtive dread of admitting that he has нsed the real article! А bolt is to Ье affixed to а modern door. Instead of being applied with а plate of iron or brass, in itself а decorative feature оп а Ыank space like that of the sшface of а dоог, the carpenter cuts а piece of wood out of tЬе edge of the door, sinks tЬе bolt out of sight, so tЬat nothing shail appear to view but а tiny шeaningless brass handle, and considers that he has perfoгmed а very neat job. Сошраrе this rnethod with that of а rnediшval locksrnith, апd the гesнlt with his great iron

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