Искусства и ремесла Средневековья



differiпg tastes prodнce onc objcct. Lubke sшns нр the talents of а шcdimval a1·tist as follo1vvs: ' 1 А paiпtcr coнld proctuce ране1s witl1 coats of arms fOI" tl1c шilitaгy mcn of nоЫе Ьirth, and devotiona} paпels v\'itЬ ан image of а saint or а conventionalizcd scene f1·ош Scripture for that noЬle's ,vifе. "\Vith the sаше brusl1 анd on а larger panel he coнld pl'oduce а larger sacrc(1 pictнre for the convent roнnd tЬе corner, анd 1vvitl1 fineг pencil and шоrе delicate toнch 11е coнld paint tЬе ve1lum leaves of а шissal;" апd so on. If ап artistic earthenware platter ,vas to Ье шаdе, tЬе painter tuгнell to his potter's ,vheel and to llis kiln. If а filigгee coгonet ,vas wanted, Ье took up his tools for шetal and je,velry work. Redgrave lays down an excellent maxiш fог gcneгal gнidaпce to designers in arts othe1· thaп lcgitiшate rictuгe шaking. Не says: " The рiсtнге 11шst Ье iпdepeшlcпt, of the mateI"ial, the thought аlопе sЬould goverп it; whe1·eas in decoration tl1e шaterial шust Ье one of tl1e sнggestшs of the thoнght, its use must goYerв tl1e design." This sho,vs the diffeгence bet\veen decшatioп and pictorial al't. One hea1·s а gгeat deal of the " conventional " in шоdеш art talk. Just what tl1is шeans, fe,v pcople who have the word in thcir vocabu}aries гeally kno,v. As Professor Moore defincd it once, it does not apply to an arЬitrary theoretical system at all, but is instinctive. It шеапs oЬedience to the liшits under ,vhich the artist works. The really gI"eatcst art сгаf tsmen of all

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