Искусства и ремесла Средневековья
68 Arts and Crafts in tl1e Middle Ages
An i1пrentor-y of the je,velled cups апd гeliquaries of Queen Jеаппе of Navarгe, about 1570, reads Iikc а. museuш. She had vaгious go1cl and je,velled dishes fог banquets; опе je,vel is describcd as " Iteш, а deшoiselle of gold, гep1·escnted as riding upon а Ьorsc, of motl1er of реагl, staпding upon а platfOl'ш of gold, enrichrd v. r itl1 tcn гuЬies, six tuгqнoises апd thгee fine pearls." Апоthег iteш is, " А fine госk crystal set in gold, cn- 1·iched with three rubles, thгec eшeralds, and а la1·ge sapphire, set tгanspaгently, tЬс ,vlюle sнspendcd from а smal1 gold chain." It is tiшe no,v to speak of thc actнal pгecious stoвcs themselves, which арагt fгош their vaгious settings arc, after all, tl1e геаl je,vels. According to Cellini there are only fош prccious stones: he says they are шаdе '' Ьу tl1c foнr ciements," ruby Ьу fire, sapphire Ьу air, emerald Ьу eaгth, and rliaшond Ьу ,vater. It irritated him to havc any onc claiш others as precious stoпes. " I have а thing 01· t,vo to say," l1e гeшarks, " iв oгder воt to scandalize а certaiп class of men wlю call theш selves jewelleгs, Ьнt may Ьс better likened to hucksters, or ]inen drape1·s, pa,vn b1·okers, or grocers ... with а шaximum of credit and а шiniшuш of bгains ... these dunderI1eads . . . wag tl1eir arгogant tongues at me авd cry, ' How about the chrysoplлase, ог the jacynth, ho,v аЬонt tl1c aqua mariвe, nay шаге, Ьо,v about the garnet, tl1e ve1·meil, tЬе cгysolite, tЬе plasнra, tЬе amethyst? Aiп't tl1ese all stoпes and all different ? ' Yes, and why the devil doв't you add peaгls, too, anюng
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