Искусства и ремесла Средневековья

Jewel ry and Precious Stones


and robes; these they put upon the mепу poet, George ,vithers, " ,vho, beiпg thus crowned апd royally arrayed, first шa1·ched about the 1·оош with а stately gait, апd afterwa1·ds, with а thousand гidiculous and apish actions, exposed the sacred ornaшcnts to conteшpt and laнgh­ tcr." No dопЬt the " olde comb " played а suitaЫe part in tЬese pl'anks, - perhaps it шау еvеп havc served as oгchestra. One Sir Непrу Mildmay, in 1649, was responsiЫe fог dreadful Yandalism, uncleг tЬе Puritaп regirne. Ашопg otl1er acts ,vhich Ье couпtenanced ,vas the destгuction and sale of the ,vonde1·ful Ci-own of Кing Alfrccl, to wllich allusion has jпst been made. In the ,vш of the Еагl of Pembroke, iп lfi.50, is this clause sho,Ying lюw пnpopular Sir Henry had Ьесошс: '' Весапsе I threatened Sir Henry l\Iiblmay, but di(l поt bcat 11iш, I give �50 to tl1e footmaп ,vho cudgelled l1irn. Item, my will is that the said Sir Harry shall not rпeddle with шу jewels. I knew him ...-vv·l1en Ье handled tЬе Crown jewels, ... fш· '\\·hicЬ reason I no,v name Ьim the Knave of Diamonds." Jewelled arшs and tгappings Ьесаше very rich in the fifteentl1 century. Pius II. writes of the German armour: " ,vьat slшll I say of the neck chains of the шеn, and tl1e bridlcs of the hoгses, whicЬ are matle of the purest gold; and of tЬе spear·s and scabbards wl1icl1 are coveгed with jewels?" Spuгs were also set with jewels, and often damascened ,vitЬ gold, and orna­ mented with appropriate шottoes.

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