Искусства и ремесла Средневековья
66 A11:s and Crafts in the Mid.dle Ages
grotto, and proceeded t,o exhume the long-suffcring relic. After many other siшilar апd rather disconпected episodes, it fiпally саше into possession of the Bishop of Aшiens iп 1206. А gгeat calamity in еагlу tiшes was the loss of all the valuaЬles of Кiпg Jolш of England. Between Iдncoln shire апd Norfolk the гоуаl coгtege was crossing the \Vash: the jewels were all swept away. Cгo\vn and all were thus lost, in 1216. Seveгal cгo,vns have been thгough vicissitudes. \Vheп Richaгd III. died, on Boswoгth Field, his crown ,vas secured Ьу а soldieг and hidden iп а busl1. Siг Reginald de Bray discoveгed it, and гestoгed it to its rightfпl place. But to Ьаlапсе such cases seveгal of the queens have brougЬt to the natioпal tгeasuгy tl1eir оwп cгowns. In 1340 Edwaгd III. pa,vne1l even the queeп's je\vels to raise money fог fighting Fгапсе. ТЬе sаше inYeпtoгy makes шention of ceгtain tгeasures depositecl at \Yestшinster: the values arc attached to eacl1 of these, cro,vns, plates, bracelets, and so foгth. Also, witЬ coшmendaЬle zeal, а list \Vas kept of otЬer aгticles stoгed in ап iron chest, aшong ,vhich are the items, "one liYeг соlошес1 silk robe, very old, and woгth nothing," апd "an old сошЬе of home, wortl1 пothiпg." А fгivolous scene is described Ьу \Yood, \Vhen the notorious RepuЬlican, Maгten, had access to the treasшe stored in \Vestminsteг. Some of the wits of the period assemЫed in the treasury, and took out of tl1e iron cliest scveral of its jewels, а crown, scept1·e,
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