Искусства и ремесла Средневековья

Je,velry and P1·ecious Stones


with sligllt stoпes, and t\vo little bells." А diadeш is described Ьу \Yilliaш of МаlшsЬшу, и so precious ,vith jewels, tЬat the splcndoнr ... thre\Y sparks of light so strongly оп the beholdeг, that the шоrе steadfastly any person endeavoшed to gaze, so шuch the шоrе he ,vas dazzled, and coшpelled to avert tЬе cyes ! " In 1382 а ciгclet сгоwп was purchascd for Quceп Аnпе of Bohemia, being set with а large sapphiгe, а Ьalas, апd four large peaгls ,vitl1 а diaшond in the сепtгс. Tl1e CatЬed1·al at Amiens owns what is supposcd to Ье thc head of John the Baptist, eпshrined in а gilt cup of silvcг, and \vith bands of jcwelled ,,·огk. The heacl is set нроn а plattcr of gilded and je,Yclled silver, coveгed with а disc of 1·ock crystal. Thc whole, though ancicnt, is encloscd iп а modeгn shrine. Thc legcnd of the p1·escrvation of the Baptist's hcad is that Herodias, afraid that tЬе saiпt шight hc шi1·aculously 1·cstored to Iife if his head and body \\ т еге laid in the same gгave, decided to hicle the Ьеаd нntil this dанgег ,,,as past. Furtively, sЬе concealed tЬе 1·elic for а timc, ашl tl1en it was bшicd in Herod's palace. It ,vas thcre oppoг­ tunely discovercd Ьу sоше шonks in the fourth сепtuгу. This " inventioн of the head" (the \Vord beiпg inter­ preted according to the credulity of the readci·) гesulted in its reшoval to Ешеsа, where it ,vas exhiЬitecl in 453. In 753 Marcellus, tЬе Abbot of Emesa, had а Yision Ьу шeans of ,vhich he re-disc0Ye1·ed (or re-invented) the head, \\·hich hatl iп some ,vay l1ееп lost sight of. Following the guidance of his clrcaш, l1e 1·epaiгed to а

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