Искусства и ремесла Средневековья

Je\\ r el1·y and Ргесiонs Sto11es


thc jc,vels, ain't they fisl1 boncs? " Tlшs Ьс classes tl1c stoпes togctl1cг, adding tЬat thc balas, though ligЬt in соlош, is а гаЬу, and thc topaz а sapphirc. '' It is of the same Ьaгdness, ancl tЬough of а differeпt colour, must Ье classified ,vith thc sapphire: "vЪat better classification do you ,vant? hasn't tЬе air got its sun?" Cellini always set tl1e coloшcd stones in а bezcl or closed Ьох of gold, with а foil behind theш. Не telL-; ап amusing stшy of а ruby which he once set оп а Ьit of frayed silk iпstead of on tl1e custoшary foil. The result happened to Ье most bгilliant. The jewellers asked hiш ,vhat kind of foi] hc had нsed, and he replied tl1at he l1ad employed no foil. Then they exclaiшed that he must have tintcd it, ,vl1ich was against all la,vs of jewelry. Again Beвvenuto s,vorc that he had neither нsed foil, nor had he dоне anythiнg forЬiddcn or uпpro­ fessional to the stone. " At tl1is the je,vellcr got а little nasty, and usecl stгong languagc," says Cellini. Tl1ey then offered to рау ,vell for thc inforшation if Celliпi ,vould inform tl1em Ьу ,vl1at шeans he had obtaiпed so reшarkaЫy а ]ustrc. Benvcnuto, expressiвg hiшself iпdifferent to рау, but " шucl1 lюnoшed iп thus bei11g аЫе to teacl1 his teachers," орепсd the setting and displayed his secret, анd all paгtcd excelleпt fгiends. Even so early as tl1e tl1i1·teenth centшy, the jewelleгs of Paгis had become notorious for producing aгtificial jc�els. Among their la,vs ,vas one ,vhich stipulated that " t]1e je,velleг ,vas not to dye the aшethyst, or other falsc stones, nш mouнt tЬеш in gold leaf nог otl1er

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