Искусства и ремесла Средневековья

Jewelry and Precious Stones


Simon de Montfort ,vas slain in 1218, at Toulouse, .John was at the Univeгsity of Touloнse, where he ,vas made а professor, and stayed three years, returning then to Paris. Не died aЬout, the midclle of the thirteenth century. Не was celebrated chicfly for Ьis Dictionariнs, а work on the various arts and crafts of Fraпce, and for а роет, " De Triuшphis Ecclesire." Dнring the Middle Ages votive crowns were often presented to chшches; among these а few are specially famous. The crowns, studded witl1 jewels, ,vere sus­ pendecl before tlю altar Ьу je,velled cl1ains, анd often а sort of friпge of je,velled letters \Yas hung froш tl1e rim, forming an inscription. The votive cro,vn of Кing Suinthila, in Madrid, is among the most omate of these. It is the finest specimen iп tl1e notcd " Trcasuгe of Guerгazzar," ,vhich was discovered Ьу peasants tшning up the soil near Toledo; the c1·owns, of ,vblch there were many, date from about the seventl1 century, and are suшptuoнs with ргесiонs stoнes. The workman­ ship is not that of а bai·baroнs nation, tЬough it has the fascinating irregularities of the Byzantine style. Of the deligblful work of the fiftl1 and sixth centuries there are scaгcely апу cxamples in Italy. The so-called Iron Crown of Monza is one of tl1e few early LошЬагd treasнres. This crown has \YitЬin it а narro,v Ьашl of iron, said to Ье а nail of the Тгuе Cross; Ьнt the сго,vп, as it meets the еуе, is anything Ьнt iroп, being опс of the шояt superb specimens of je,velled golden ,vork­ manship, as fine as those in the Trcasuгe of Guerrazzar.

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