Искусства и ремесла Средневековья
62 Arts and Crafts in the Middle Ages
There are various legends about St. Eloi. It is told that а certain horse once behaved in а very obstreperous way \Yhile being shod; St. Eloi calmly cut off tl1e animal's leg, and fixed the shoe quietly in position, and then replaced the leg, which grc,v into place again immedi ately, to the pardonaЫe astonishment of all beholders, not to mention thc hoгse. St. Eloi \Yas also cmployed to coin the curгency of Dagobert ancl Clovis П., and examples of thcse coins may now Ье seen, as authentic records of the stylc of his work. А century after his death the monasteries which l1e had fouпded werc still in operation, and Clшrleшagne's crowп and sword are very possiЫy the result of St. Eloi's tcachings to his follo,vers. \Vhile the moпaRteries нndoнЬtedly controlled most of the art education of tl1e early шiddle ages, there ,vere also laymen who devoted thqmselves to these pursuits. John de Garlande, а famous teacher in the Univeгsity of Paris, wrote, in the cleventl1 centпry, а " Dict.iona rius " dealiпg with varioнs aгts. In this intercsting ,vork he describes the trades of tl1e moneyers (wlю coнtrolled tl1e mint), the coining of gold and silver into currcncy (for the making of coin in those days ,vas pe1·mitted Ьу individuals), the clasp makers, the шakers of снрs or l1anaps, jev. r ellers and harness makers, and otl1er artificers. John dc Gar]ande was English, born about the шiddle of the twelfth centuгy, and v.'as edu cated iп Oxford. In the early thirteenth century- he Ьесаше associatcd witl1 tЬе University, anrl wl1en
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