Искусства и ремесла Средневековья
Jewelry and Precious Stones
up а close friendship, and afterwards Ouen becamc his Ьiographer. His description of Eloi's personal appear ance is worth quoting, to show the sort of figure а шediюval saint sometimes cut before canonization. '' Не was tall, \Vith а ruddy face, his hai1· and beard curly. His haпds well made, and his fingers long, his fасе full of angelic S\Veetнess. . . . At first he wol'e hablts covered with pearls and precious stones; he liad also belts sewn with pearls. His dгess was of lineп encrusted with gold, and the edges of his tunic triшmed \Vith gold embroidery. Indeed, his clothing was very costly, and some of his dresses \Verc of silk. Such was his exterior in his first period at court, and he dressed thнs to avoid singularity; Ьнt undeг this garrnent he wore а rough sack cloth, авd later on, hc disposed of all his omaшents to relieve the dist1·essed; and l1e шight Ье seen \Vith on]y а согd round his \vaist and comшon c]othcs. Sometimes the kiпg, seeing him thus divested of his rich clothing, \vould take off l1is own cloak апd girdle and give them to hirn, saying: ' It is not suitaЫe that those who dwell for the \vorld should Ье гichly clad, and that those who despoil themselYes fог Christ should Ье without g]огу.' " Aшong thc nuшerous virtues of St. E]oi was tliat of а consistent carrying out of his rea] beliefs and theories, whether men might consider him quixotic or поt. Нс ·was strongly opposed to the institution of slaveгy. In those days it would have been futile to preach actual emaвcipation. The times wеге not ripe. But St. Eloi
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