Искусства и ремесла Средневековья
58 A1·ts and C1·af'ts in the l\Iiddle Ages
of miracнlous poweгs, siпce, out of gold sufficient for one tЬrone, he had coпstructed two. People of а шоrе pгactical turn found out that Eloi had learned the art of alloying the gold, so as to make it do douЫe duty. А great many examples of St. Eloi's work might have been seen in Fгance until the Revolution in 1792, especially at the АЬЬеу of St. Deпis. А гing made Ьу Ыm, witl1 ,vhich St. Godiberte ,vas maгried to Christ, according to tl1e cнstom of шediшval saints, was pгe se1·yed at Nоуоп until 1793, ,vhen it disappeared in the Revolutioп. The Chгoпicle says of Eloi: " Не шаdе fог the king а gгeat numeг of gold vesses enriched with precious stones, and he worked incessantly, seated with his servant Tl1illo, а Saxon Ьу Ьiгth, who followed the lessons of his шaste1·." St. Eloi fouпded t,vo institutioпs fог goldsmithiпg: one for the pгoductioп of domestic and secular plate, and the other for ecclesiastical work exclusively, so that по ,voгke1· in profane lines slюuld handle the sacred vessels. The secular braпch was sitнated near the dwelling of Eloi, in the Cite itself, and was known as "St. Eloi's Eпclosure." When а fiгe burned tЬеш out of Ьouse апd sЬeltel', they гешоvеd to а subшban qнarter, wl1ich soon Ьесаше known in its turп, as tl1e " СlбtшеSt. Eloi." The religious bгanch of the estaЫishrneпt ,vas presided 0\'er Ьу tl1e aforesaid TЬillo, ancI was tЬе АЬЬеу of Solignac, near IJimoges. This school was inauguгated in 631. \Vhile Eloi ,vas woгking at the couгt of Кing Clothaire П., St. Ouen was there as well. The two youths struck
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