Искусства и ремесла Средневековья

54 Arts and Crafts in the l\1iddle Ages

saint, апd ,vas discoveгed \\·ith l1is body. The four а1·шs are of equal length, and not very hcavy in proportion. It is of gold, шаdе in thc seventh century, and is set ,Yitl1 garnets, а vегу lai·gc onc iп thc ccntгc, one soшc­ what sшaller at the ends of the al'lns, \Yhc1·e the lines ,viden consideгaЬly, and ,vitl1 srпaller oncs continuoнsly bet,,тeen. Aшong tЪе many jc,,·els whicli decorated the shriпe of Tlюmas а Becket at Cante1·bшy \Yas а stonc " ,vitl1 an angell of gold poynting thcгeunto," ,vhicl1 \\'as а gift from the Кing of Fгance, ,vho Ьаd had it " made into а гing and \\�ше it on Ыs thumb." Otheг stones dcscribed as being on this shгiпe \Уе1·е suшptuous, the \Ylюle being daшasccпcd ,vitl1 gokl ,vi1·e, and " iв tl1c midst of tl1e gold, 1·ings; 01· cameos of scнlptuгcd agates, carnclians, and опух stones." А visitor to Caпterbury in 1500 writcs: " Eve1·ything is lcft fa1· bchiпd Ьу а ruby not la1·ge1· tЬап а maп's tlшшЬ nail, ,vhich is sct to the 1·ight of tЬе altai·. . The church is 1·atЬer dark, and ,vhen ,Уе ,Успt to see it thc sun ,vas ncarly gопе do,vn, and tl1c ,veathcr \\'as cloucly, yet ,,·е sa,v the 1·uby as well as if it had Ьееп iп my l1and. They say it was а gift of the King of Fгance." Possessions of one kind \\'е1·е often convcrted into another, accoгding to changing fashioпs. Philippa of Lancaster had а gold collar шаdе " out of two bottles and а tштеt," in 1380. Medireval rosaries were generally composcd of beads of coral 01· caгnelian, and often of gold and pearls as

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