Искусства и ремесла Средневековья

Je,velry and Precious Stones


and silver filigree is applied, in curious interlaces апd knots, авd it is set ,vith scYeral je,vels, sоше of Iarge size.. in gгeen, Ыuе, and dнll red. Iп tЬе front are two large tallo'\\·-cut Irish diamoпds, and а tl1ird was apparently set in а place wllicl1 is now vacant. Оп tЬе back of the bell appears а Ccltic inscription in most dccorative Iettering all аЬонt the cdge; the literal traнslation of this is: " А prayer for Donnell O'Locl1- lain, through whom this bell sl1rine was made; and for Donnell, the successor of Patгick, ,vith ,vhom it was шаdе; and for Cahalan O'l\fнlhollan, tl1e kecper of t11e bell, and for Cudilig O'Imшainen, with his sons, ,Yho coveгed it." Donald O'Lochlain \Yas monarch of Irelaпd in 1083. Donald the successOl' of Patгick was the Abbot of Armagh, froш 1091 to 110.5. Тl1е others wеге evi­ dcntly tl1e craftsшen ,vho w01·ked on the shгiпe. Iп шаnу interlaces, especially on the sides, there шау Ье t1·aced intricate patte1·ns formed of se1·pents, but as пearly all Celtic wшk is simila1·ly Ol'namented, there is рrоЬаЫу nothing personal in their use in connection \Yith the relic of St. Patrick ! Patгick brought quite а bevy of wOl'kшen into Ireland about 440: some were smiths, Мае Cecht, Laebhan, and Fontchan, who wеге tшned at once upon making of bells, ,vhilc some othe1· skilled artificers, Fai1·ill and Tassach, made patens and chalices. St. Bridget, too, liad а famous goldsmith iп her train, one Bishop Coula. The pcctoral cross of St. Cuthbert of Lindisfarne is поw to Ье seen in Durham. It ,vas buried with tl1e

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