Искусства и ремесла Средневековья
Gold and Silver
portions оп either side of tl1e paгent Ьird. This is inscribed, "The gift of Магу the daugl1ter of Richard RoЬinson, and wife toThomas Smitl1 and James Peacock, Skinners." ,vьether the good lady wеге а Ьigamist or took her husbands iп гotation, docs not tгanspiгe. An interesting cup is o,vned Ьу the Vintners in London, called the Milkmaid. The figure of а шilkmaid, in laced bodice, holds above her head а small cup on pivots, so that it finds its level when the figшe is inve1·ted, as is the case when the cup is used, the petticoat of the milkmaid formiвg the real goЫet. It is constructed on the same principle as the Gегшаn figures of court ladies holding up cups, which are often sеев to-day, made on tl1e old patterв. The снрs in the case of this шilkmaici are both fillcd ,vith wine, and it is qнitc difficult to dгink fгom tl1e largeг cup ,vithout spilling fгom the small swinging cup ,vhicl1 is then below the otl1er. Every шember is expected to perfoгm this feat as а sort of initiation. It dates from 1658. One of tl1e most beautifнl Coгporation cups is at Nor,vich, ,vhere it is known as the· " Peteгsen " cup. It is shaped like а very thick and squat chalice, and around its top is а ,vide bordeг of decorative letteгing, bearing the inscription, '' ТнЕ+моsт+нЕRЕ+оF. + IS + I)UNNE + ВУ + PETER + PE'ГERSO� +." This craftsman was а NOl'Wich silversmith of the sixtceпth century, very fашонs in his day, and а reшarkaЬly cl1aste designer as well. А beautiful ivory cup t,velve inches high, set iп silver gilt, callcd thc G1·ace Cup, of
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