Искусства и ремесла Средневековья
44 Arts авd Crafts in the l\;liddle Ages
often known as the " nef," and frequently had а name, as if it ,vere the family yacht ! One is гесшdеd· as having been named the "Tyger," while а nef belonging to the Duke of Orleans ,vas called the " Poгquepy," meaning porcupine. One of the historic salts, in another form, is the " Huntsman's salt," and is kept at All Soul's College, Oxford. Tl1c figure of а huntsman, bears upon its head а rock crystal Ьох ,vith а ]id. About the feet of this figure are several tiny anima]s авd human beings, so that it looks as if the intent had been to picture sоше gigantic legendary hunter - а sort of Gulliver of the chase. The tаЫс ,vas often furnished also with а fountain, in ,vhich dгinkiвg-,vater ,vas kept, and upon which either stood ог hung cups or goЫets. These fountains werc ofteп of faпtastic shapes, апd usually enaшelled. One is described as гcpresentiпg а dгagon on а tгее top, and another а castle on а hill, with а convenient tap at sоше point for dra,ving off tl1e ,vater. The London City Coшpanies аге ricl1 in theiг posses sions of -valuaЫe plate. Sоше of the cups аге especially beautifu]. The \Voгshipfu] Company of Skinners o,vns sоше curioнs loving cups, eшЫeniatic of the naшes of the donors. There ai·e five Cockayne Loviпg Cups, made in the fопn of cocks, wit.h theiг tail featheгs spread нр to form the Ьandles. ТЬе l1eads liave to Ье removed f Ol' dгiпkiпg. These снрs wеге bequeathed Ьу \Villiaш Cockayne, in 1598. Another снр is iп the fогш of а peacock, ,valkiпg ,vith t,vo little chicks of шiпute pro-
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