Искусства и ремесла Средневековья
20 Arts and Crafts in the Middle Ages
illuminated in 1011 has the inscription: "I, Bernward, had this codex written out, at my own cost, and gave it to the beloved Saint of God, Michael. Anathema to him who alienates it." This inscription has the mo1·e interest for being the actual autograph of Bernward. Не was succeeded Ьу Hezilo, and many other pнpils. · These men made the beautiful corona of the cathed1·al, of which I give an illнstration in detail. Great coronas or circular chandeliers lшng in the naves of many cathedrals in the Middle Ages. The finest specimen is this at Hildesheim, the magnificent ring of which is twenty feet across, as it hangs sнspended Ьу а systeш of rods and balls in the form of chains. It has twelve large towers and twelve sшall ones set агонnd it, sнp posed to sнggest the Heavenly Jerнsaleш with its many mansions. There are sockets for seventy-t,vo candles. The detail of its adornment is very splendid, анd repays close stнdy. Every little tнr1·et is different in architectonic form, and statues of saints are to Ье seen standing within these. The pierced silve1· ,York on this chandelier is as beaнtifнl as any шedireval ехашрlе in existence. The great leader of шedireval aгts in Fгance '11�as tl1e Abbot Sнger of St. Denis. Sнger was born iн 1081, he and his brotl1eг, Alvise, who was Bishop of Arras, both being destined for tl1e Episcopate. As а yoнth he passcd ten years at St. Denis as а scholar. Неге 11е became intimate with Prince Loнis, and this friendship developed in afteг lif e. On retшning froш а voyage to
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