Искусства и ремесла Средневековья

Gold and Silver


F1·ance, thaн to tlie Aztec to whicЬ Didron has refer­ ence. The little cliшЬing figшes, while they certainly have very large hands and feet, yet are endowed with а certain sprightly action; they all give th9 impression of rcally makiнg an effort, - they are trying to cliшb, instead of siшply occupying places in the foliage. Tl1ere is а good deal of strengtl1 аш.l energy displaye(l in all of theш, and, ,vhile tl1e work is rude and rough, it iв virile. It is not unlike the ,vorkmanship on the Gloucester candlestick iп the Soutl1 Kensington l\Iu­ seum, which was made in the twelftl1 ccntury. Bernwai·d's chalice is set with antique stones, some of theш carved. On the foot шау Ье seen опе represent­ ing the three Graces, in their cнstomary state of nudity "without malice." Bernward \vas also an arcbltect. Не bнilt the delight­ fнl church of St. Michael, and its cloister. Не also sнperintended the building of an importaнt ,vall Ьу the river bank in the lower town. ,vhen there was an uneasy time of controversy at Gandesheim, Bernward hasteвed to headquarte1·s in Rome, to arrange to bring about better feeling. In 1001 he arrived, early in January, and the Роре went out to шееt him, kissed him, and invited him to stay as а guest at his palacc. After accomplishing l1is diplo­ matic mission, and ladcn ,vith all sorts of sacred гelics, Bernward returned home, not too directly to prevent his seeing something of the intervening coнntry. А book which Bishop Beгnward had made and

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