Искусства и ремесла Средневековья

18 Arts and Cгafts iп the l\Iiddle Ages

cathedral, ,vas his оwв design, and the ,york of his follo,yeгs; and the paschal colшnn in the cathedral was from l1is ,vorkshop, \VГought as delightfully as would Ье possiЫe in any age, and yet executed пearly а thou­ sand уеагs ago. Nо Ьishop evcr deserved saiвthood more, or made а mше pгactical contributioв to the Chнrch. Роре Celcstine III. canonized him in 1194. Beгnwaгd camc of а nоЫс family. His figure шау Ье seen - as near an approach to а portrait of this great \Yoгker as \Уе liave - among the bas-reliefs on the beautiful choir-scгecn in St. Micl1ael's Chшch in Hildes­ heim. The cross executcd Ьу Bermvard's own hands in 994 is а superb ,voгk, ,vith filigгee covering the whole, апd set with geшs еп cabochon, with pearls, and antique pгecious stones, caгved ,vith Greek divinities in intaglio. The candlesticks of St. BerIНvard, too, are most interest­ ing. They are шаdе of а metal coшposed of gold., silver, and iron, and are ,vгought magnificently, into а mass of aniшal and floriate forms, their outline being well retained, and the gгасе of the shaft and proportions being striking. They are partly the work of the mallet and partly of the chisel. They had been buried with Bernward, and were found in his sarcophagus in 1194. Didron has likened them, in their use of animal form, to the art of the Mexicans; but to ше they seem more like delightful Germaн Romanesque workmanship, leaning more towaгds that of certain spirited Lombэ.rd grotesques, or even that of Arles and certain parts of

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