Искусства и ремесла Средневековья

Gold and Silver


largely in metals, and training up а Guild of followers in the Catl1edral School. Не was extгemely versatile: one of the gгeat geniuses of history. In times of war hc was Coшmander in Chief of Hildesheim; he was а traveller, having made pilgrimages to Rome and Paris, and the grave of St. Martin at Tours. This wide culture was unusual in those days; it is quite evident from his active life of accoшplishшeвt in creative art, tliat good Bishop Beгnwaгd was not to Ье numbered amoпg those who expected the end of the world to occur in the year 1000 А. D. Of his ,voгks to Ье seen in Hildesheim, theгe are splendid examples. The Goldsmith's School нnder his direction was famous. Не was created Ьishop in 992; Taugma1· pays him а tribute, saying: "Не was an excellent penman, а good painter, and as а lюusehold manager ,vas unequalled." Moreoveг, he " excelled in the шechanical no less than in thc liberal arts." In fact, а visit to Hildesheim to-day pгoves tl1at to tl1is шаn ,vho lived ten centuries ago is due the fact that Hildesl1eim is tl1e most artistic city iп Germany from the antiqнarian's point of vie,v. This Ьishop influcnced еvегу branch of art, and with so vital an iпfluence, that his See city is still full of his ,voгks and personality. Не was not only а pгactical ,vorker in the arts апd cгafts, but he was also а collcctor, fOl'Шing quite а museuш f 01' the further instruction of the students ,vho саше in touch with l1im. Не decorated the walls of Ыs catl1edral; the great candelabгum, or corona, which circles above the central aisle of the

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