Искусства и ремесла Средневековья
2 A1is and Сгаfts iн the l\Iiddle Ages
situdes is giveп Ьу Pliпy: " Aшong tl1c Dardoe the ants arc as laгge as Egyptian ,volves, апd cat coloш-ed. The Indiaпs gatl1er tЬс golcl uust tl1г0\vn нр Ьу tl1e ants, ,vl1cn thcy аге slecping in thcir holes in the Sum mer; but if thesc aniшals ,vake, tЬеу pursuc the Indiaпs, and, though moнnted оп the swiftest caшels, overtakc and tear theш to pieces." Another legend relates to thc Ыesscd St. Patrick, tl1rough whose intercession special grace is supposed to have been granted to all sшiths. St. Patrick ,vas а slave iп his yoнth. Ап old legend tells that "onc tiшc а wild boar eamc rootiпg in the field, and brought нр а lшnp of gokl; апd Patгick bгought it to а tinker, ашl the tiпkcr said, " It is пothing but solder. Givc it here to ше." But then he brought it to а smith, and the smith told him it ,vas gold; and ,vith that gold he bought his freedom. "And from that tiшe," eon tinues the story, " the smiths have been lucky, taking money every dэ,у, апd never without work, but as for the tiпkers, еУе1·у man's face is against them ! " In the Middlc Ages t,he arts and crafts were generally protected Ьу the forшation of guilds and fraternities. These bodies practically exeгcised the right of patent over their professions, and iпfringements could Ье шо1·е easily dealt with, and frauds шоге easily exposed, Ьу means of concerted effort on the part of the craftsmen. The goldsmiths and silversmiths were thпs protected in Eпglaпd and France, апd in most of the lea_ diпg European агt centres. The test of pure gold was madc
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