Искусства и ремесла Средневековья

144 Arts and Crafts in the Middle Ages

in thin strips and coils of metal; wl1ile occasionally the depression of the edge of the lips is sнfficieнt to give rise to the opinion that а thin veneer of copper ,Yas appliecl to give соlош. ТЬе bronze effigies of Henry III. and Eleanor, at \Yestminster, ,ve1·e the wOI"k of а goldsmith, Maste1· ,villiaш TOI'el, аш.1 аге tl1el'efore fiлer in quality and аге iл some respects supel'ior to thc average casting in bгonze. Тогеl ,vorked at the palacc, апсl tl1e statues ,Yere cast in " ci1·e pщdue " process, beiпg execнt.ed in tЬе chшcl1- yard itself. They are considerecl arnong tЬе finest bronzes of tЬе period extant. Gildiвg and enamel ,vere often used in bronze cffigies. Splendid bronzes, cast each in а siпgle flo,Y, are the recuшbent figures of t,Yo ЬisЬops at Amieнs; they а�т· of the thirtecnth century. Rнskiп says: "ТЬеу are the only t,vo bro11ze toшbs of her men of the gгcat ages left in France." An old dосншепt speaks of tЬе " шoulds апd imagines " ,vhicl1 ,Yere in use for casting effigy por­ traits, in 1394. AnotЬer good EnglisЬ broпzc is tЬat of Ricl1a1·d Reaнchamp at ,va1·,,·ick, the "'шk of Tlюmas SteYeпs, ,vhicl1 has been alludccl to. In \Yestminste1· АЬЬеу, tЬс effigy of Ауmег dc Yalcncc, dating f1·ош 1296, is of copper, but it is not cast; it is of Ьсаtеп metal, and is enamelled, probaЬly at Liшogcs. Bells and cannon аге aшong the objects of actнal нtilit.y '\Yhich ,vere cast in bronze. Statues as 3 rule came later. In the sixteentl1 ancl seYenteeпth centшies

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