Искусства и ремесла Средневековья
Othe1· 1\-letals
of t,he Rathaus made for Nureшberg Ьу Peter Viscl1er the Уoungeг. It was of bl'onze, the symmetrical diapered fогш of the ореп wOl'k рагt beiпg sпpported Ьу chaste апd dignified coluпшs of tЬе Coгinthian order. It ,vas first designed Ьу Peter Vischel' the Elder 1 and revised and changed Ьу the whole family after Hermann's rеtшп from Rоше with his Renaissance notions. It was sold in 1806 to а шeгchant for old metal; later it ,Yas traced to the soпth of Fгance, ,vhe1·e it disappeared. Aпother faшous broпze of Nureшbeгg is the well known "Goose Man" fouпtain, Ьу LaЬemvolf. Еvегу traveller has seen the quaiпt half-foolish little шаn, as Ье stands there holding his t,v() geese ,vho politely tшп away tЬeir heads iп огdе1· to produce tl1e stгeams of wateг! ,vith the best bronzes, and with steel used for decora tive purposes, thc original casting lшs freqпeпtly been only f01· gепегаl fогш, t l1e wlюle of tЬе surface fiпishiпg being dопе \Yit.h а sl1aping t,ool, Ьу lшnd, giving the арр�агаnсе of а cai·ving in lлonze ог steel. In .Japanese bronzes this is paгticularly felt. Tlle classical bгonzes ,vere evidently perfect, mosaics of different colours, in metal. Pliny tells of а bronze figure of а clying woman, ,vho was represented as having changed colour at tli'e extremities, the fпsion of the different shades of b1·onze being disguised Ьу anklets, bгacelets, and а necklace! А cшious and very disagгeeaЫe work of art, ,ve should say. One sometimes sees in antiqнe fгagments ivory or silver eyeballs, апd l1air апd eyelashes made separately
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