Искусства и ремесла Средневековья

142 Arts and Crafts in tЬе l\Iiddle Ages

to such а perfect work of агt. Italiaп fceling is evident throughoнt, and the ,vealth of detail in figures апd foliate forms is magnificent. The centre of interest iн tl1e little portrait statuette of Pete1· Vischeг hiшself, accшding to his Ьiographer, " as he looked, and as he daily went about and wшked in the foundry." Though Peter had not been to Italy himself, his son Hermann had visited the historic land, and had brougl1t home " artistic tl1ings that he sketched and dгew, whicl1 delighted his old father, and we1·e of gгeat нsе to his brothers." Peter Viscl1er had tl1ree sons, ,vho all followed him in tl1e craft. His WOI'kshop must have been an ideal iпstitution in its line. Some remnants of Gothic gгotesque fancy are to Ье sееп on tl1e shrine, although treated oнtwardly witl1 Renaissance feeliпg. А realistic life-sized mouse may Ье seen in one place, just as if it had rtш out to inspect the work; and the numbers of littlc tipsy " pпtti " "'ho disport themselves in all attitudes, in peгilous posi­ tions on nar1·ow ledges, ai·e fнll of шеr1·у hнmouг. The metal of St. Sebald's sl1l'ine is left as it came froш the castiпg, and owes much of its charm t.o the lack of filing, polishing, and pointing usual in sнсЬ monнmeпts. The molten living expression is 1·etained. Only tЬе details апd spirit of the figнres are Renaissance; the Gothic plan is hardly distuгhed, and the whole moпu­ ment is pleasing in proportion. Tl1e figures are ex­ quisite, especially that of St. Peter. А great Renaissance work in Gеrшапу ,vas the gl'ille

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