Искусства и ремесла Средневековья

Othe1· Metals


has expressed it, "а шonumental jewel," and "an epit­ ome of the minor arts of шediюval Italy." On it one sees bas-relief carving, intaglios, statuettes, шosaic, the lapidary's art in agate; епашеls, an,l gilded glass, and yet all in good taste and haгmony. The scнlpture is pгoperly subol'diпated to the architectonic principle, and one can understand hovt' it is not only tЬе ,vork of а goldsmith, Ьпt of а painter. Of all bronze workeгs, perhaps Peter Vischer is the best knovYn and is ceгtainly ове of tl1e best dese1·ving of his wide fаше. Peter Vischer ,vas Ьогn about the same time as Quentin :Мatsys, bet,veen 1460 апd 1470. Не was the шost iшpoгtant шetal worker in Gегmану. Не and Adarn Kгaft, of ,vlюm шention,vill Ье шаdе Vl�hen ,ve соше to deal \vitЬ sculptшal carving, were brought нр togetheг as boys, апd "when older boys, ,veпt \vith one anotl1er on all lюliclays, acting still as tlюпgh tl1ey \Yel'e apprentices togethel'." Vischer's normal expгes­ sion ,vas in Gotblc fOl'm. His fiгst desigн for the ,voвdeг­ ful shrine of St. Sebald in NшешЬегg ,vas шаdе Ьу hiш in 1488, аш] is still preserved in Vienna. It is а рше late-Gotl1ic санору, and I cannot help гeg1·ettiпg that tl1e executioп was delayed uнtil popular taste deшan<.led more concession to,vaгds the Reпaissance, and it was resolved in 1507, "to have the Shrine of St. Sebald made of brass." Therefore, although the gene1·al lines continнe to hold а Gothic semЬlance, the shrine has пшnу Renaissaпcc features. Regrct, l10,veve1·, is alшost шOI'Ьicl, in гelation

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