Искусства и ремесла Средневековья

ОtЬе1· Metals


mented part of а, knight's eqнipшent, and unde1·,vent ,,al'ious modifications ,vhich al'e inteгesting to поtе. At fiгst, it ,vas the on]y \Yeapon invariaЫy at hand: it was еnогшонslу large, and t,vo hands vYe1·e пессssагу in v;ieldiпg it. As tl1e aгquebuse саше iпto use, the S\\'Orc1 took а secondaгy position: it Ьесаше Jighte1· апd smaller. And eYer since 1510 it is а cшious fact tliat the clecorations of s,,,ords have been designed to Ье exaшined wl1cn tЬе S\YOГd hangs ,vith the poiпt do,vп; the eaгlicr ornaшent ,vas adaptec1 to being sееп at its Ьest whcн tЪе swol'd was Ьeld нp1·igЬt, as in actioп. Peehaps tl1e Jateг tЬcol'y of decoration is шоl'е scпsiЫe , f 01· it is cc1·tain tlшt ncitl1er а ,yaгrior nor l1is орропС'пt coнltl }шvе ocrasion t.o aclrпi1·c fine decoration at а tiшe ,vl1c11 tЬс S\\'Orc1 \\'ns dгюп1 ! Tlшt the arts slюuld }Je eш­ ploye(l to satisfy tl1c еуе in tiшcs of реасе, sufficcd the lateг weaгers of omameвted swшds. Tolc(lo Ыndes liavc a,J,vays been famoнs, and rank fiгst апюng tl1e stcel kniYcs of the woгbl. Еvсп iн Roman times, апсl of сошsс ш1dC'r tЬе l\loors, Tolcclo lf'

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