Искусства и ремесла Средневековья
124 Al'ts and Cl'afts in tЬе �Iiddle Ages
The elbo" r s and kпees were also treated in this \Уау, апd in the foшteeпtl1 сепtuгу, tl1e pгinciple of аrшош hacl chaпged to а set of separate platcs fastened together Ьу links. This ,vas the evolнtion froш mail to plate агшош. А cle�cгiptioп of Clшrlemagпc as l1e appearcd оп the field of battle, in his агшоuг, is given Ьу the Monk of St. Gall, his ЬiograpЬer, and is dramatic. " Тhеп coнld Ье sееп thc iгон Chaгles, helшeted ,vitl1 ан iгоп l1elшet, his iron breast and Ьгоаd shoнlde1·s pгutected ,vith ап iгon bгcast plate; ап iroп spear \Yas гaisecl оп high in his left lшnd, his гig]1t al,vays rested nn his нnсшщuегеd iro11 falchioп.... His shield ,vas all of iгоп, his charger ,vas iгon coloнred ancl imn hearted. . . . ТЬе fields and open spaces ,Уеге fillecl with iгon; а people haгder than iгоп paifl нni,·e1·sal homage to t,Ье lшrdness of iron. Tl1c hопог of the dнngeon seeшecl lcss than the bright glcaш of iron. ' Oh, tЬе iron ! ,voe fог the iron ! ' ,vas tl1e coпfнscd cry that rose from the citizens. Tl1e stгong ,Yalls shook at the sight of iron: tЬе resolнtioп of уош1g and old fe1l before tl1e iron." Ву the end of the foшteeпth and еагlу fifteenth centuries, whole suits of arrnoш ,vere almost invariaЫe, апd then came tЬе оррогtнпitу for tЬе goldsmith, the daшascener, and the niellist. Some of the leading artists, especially in Italy, ��:ere enlisted in designing and decorating ,vhat шight Ье called the a-rmour-de-luxe of the warrior princes ! The arnюur of horses was as ornate as that of the rideгs. The sword ,vas al,vays tЬе most iшposingly orna-
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