Искусства и ремесла Средневековья

118 A11:s and CI'afts iп tlie l\Iiddle Ages

not а hard stiff structшc, but js coшposed of circular forms, each шаdе separately, and linked togetl1eг vvith 1iarro,v bands, so that the coпstгuctioв is flexible, and is more like а gigaпtic piece of cЬain mail tl1ai1 an iгon fence. Quentin :Мatsys \Yas kпо,vп as thc " Ыacksшitl1 of Antwerp," апd is герогtеd to Ьаvе left l1is oгiginal ,voгk щnong metals to Ьесоше а painteг. This ,vas done in огdе1· to mаггу tl1e lady of his clюice, fог she гefнsed to join hег fate to tЬat of а craftsman. She, however, ,vas 1·eady to maiтy а painteг. Qнentin, thcгefoгe, gaYe нр Ьis hаmшег and aпvil, and Ьegan to paint Madoпnas that he might р1·оsрег in his sнit. Sоше autlюrities, lюw­ ever, laнgh at this sto1·y, аш1 claiш tliat tЬе specimens of iroп \Уогk "·hicl1 аге slюwn as tl1e eai·ly ,voгks of Matsys date fгom а time ,vhen Ье would havc been only tеп ог t,welve уеагs old, ancl that tl1ey шust tl1eгe­ fore liave Ьсеп the "rork of his fatl1cr, Josse :Мatsys, ,vho ,Yas а locksmith. T1ie \Yell-coveг in Antv, r eгp, пеаг the cathcdra], is al,Yays known as Qнentin :Мatsys' \УеВ. It is said tlшt this vvas поt constructed unti] 1470, ,vhile Quentin ,vas born in 1466. The iron work of tl1e tошЬ of the Duke of Bшgtшdy, in vVindsor, is sнpposed to Ье the woгk of Queпtiп Matsys, and is considered tЬе fiпest grille in England. It is ,vгoнglit ,vith such skill and de]icacy that it is шоrе like tЬе ргоdнсt of. the goldsmith's агt than that of the Ыacksшith. Another object of utility ,vhicl1 ,vas fгequently

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