Искусства и ремесла Средневековья
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Many grilles vvere forшed Ьу the smith's taking an iron bar and, under thc iпtense heat, splitting it into va1·ioнs branches, cach of \Vhich shoнld Ье twisted in а different way. Another method vvas to use the single slighteг bar for the foнndation of the design, and welding on other volutes of similar thickness to make the scroll · vvork associated with vvrought iгon. Some of the smiths vvho ,v-orked at vVestminster АЬЬеу are known Ьу name; Master Henry Le,vis, iв 1259, made the iron work f01· the tomb of Henry III. А certain iron fгagment is signed Gilibertus. The iron оп the tomb of Qнeen Eleanor is Ьу Thomas de Leighton, in 1294. Lead ,vorkers also had а place assigned to them in the pгecincts, which was known as " the Plumbery." In 1431 Maste1· Roger Johnson \vas enjoined to arгest or pгess sшiths into service in order to finish the ironwork оп thc tomb of Edward IV. РrоЬаЫу the most famous use of iron in Spain is in the stupendous '' rejas," 01· chancel screens of wrought iron; but these are nearly all of а late Renaissance style, and hardly соте within the scope of this volume. The requirements of Spanisl1 cathedrals, too, for wгought iron screens for all the side chapels, made plenty of work for the iron masters. In fact, the " rejeros," or iron master, was as regular an adjнnct to а cathedral as an architect or а painteг. Knockers were often very handsome in Spain, and even nail l1eads \vеге decorated. An interesting specimen of iroв ,vork is tЬе gгille tl1at sнrrounds the tomb of the Scaligers in Veroвa. It is
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