Искусства и ремесла Средневековья

116 Arts and Crafts in tl1e Middle Ages

Michelaпgelo "kneeling windows," on account of the bulging shape of tl1e Io,veг parts. One famous iron worker car1·ied out the law of the Guibl botl1 in spiгit апd letter to the extcnt of insisting upon payment in advaпce ! This was Nicolo G1·osso, who ,vorked about 1499. Vasari calls him the "money g1·abbc1·." His specialty was to make the bcautifнl torch holde1·s and lanterns sucl1 as one sees on the Strozzi Palace and in the Bargello. In England there ,vere Guilds of Blacksшitl1s; in Middlesex one ,vas stai·ted in 1434, and rneшbcrs ,ve1·e known as "in the WOI'ship of St. Eloi." Members were alluded to as "Breth1·en and Sisteгen," - this term would fill а much fclt vacancy ! Some of the Guilds exacted fiпes froш all members ,vho did not рау а proper proportion of theiг earnings to the Сlшгсh. Anothcr geпe1·al нsе of iron for artistic pшposes was in the manufасtшс of grilles. Grilles were used iн Fraпce and Englaпd in cathedгals. The earliest Chris­ tian g1'ille is а pieгced bronze scгeen in the Churcl1 of the Nativity in Bethlehem. In Hildesheim is an original form of grille; the leaves and rosettes in the design are pierced, instead of being beaten up into bosses. This рrоЬаЫу came from the fact that the German smith did not understand the · Fгaпkisl1 drawing, апd supposed that the shaded por­ tions of the work vYere inteпded to Ье open work. The resнlt, however, is most happy, and а new feature v1as thus introduced into grille Yvork.

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