Искусства и ремесла Средневековья

ОtЬе1· Metals


metal. At St. Ursнla's in Cologne thcre are iгon floriatecl hinges, Ьнt tl1c dcsign апd idea are French, and поt nativc. One may usually recogпize а difference between Fгe11cl1 and Englisl1 " 1 гought iron, for the F1·ench is often in detacl1ed picces, not an oнtgrowth of the actнal hiпge itself, апd whcn this is foнnd in England, it iпdi­ catcs French woгk. Oгпaments in iron wcre sometimes cut онt of flat shect mctal, and then hamшeгed iпto fo1·m. In stampiпg tl1is flat work with eшbossed effect, the sшitl1 lшcl to wOI'k \vhile the iron was hot, - as Sancho Panza ex­ pгcssed it, "Pгaying to God and hammeгing away." Dies ,Yere шаdе, after а time, into \Vhich the design coнld Ье bcaten with less effort than iп the origiпal method. One of thc qнaintest of i1·on dooгs is at Kreшs, \vЬеге the gate is шаdе up of square sheets of ii·on, cut int,o rude pierced designs, giving scenes froш the New Testa­ meпt, and hammered up so as to Ье slightly embossed. The Guild of Blacksшiths iп Flo1·ence floшished as early as tЬе thirteenth centшy. It covered \Voгkei·s in шаnу metals, copper, i1·оп, brass, and pe\vter iп­ clнded. Aшong tl1e rules of tЬе Guild \vas one perшittiпg mешЬегs to \Voгk fог геаdу шоnеу опlу. Tl1ey '\Ус1·е поt allo,vcd to adve1·tise Ьу stгeet crying, and "'Cl'c fined if thcy did so. The Arшs of the Guilc] was а pair of furnace tongs upon а white ficld. Aшong the p1·oducts of the forge most in deшand wеге the i1·on window­ gratings so i11Ya1·iaЫe on all lюuses, and called Ьу

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