Искусства и ремесла Средневековья

110 Arts and Crafts in the Middle Ages

rtш into the mould so formed, and woнld cool into the desiгed shape. As with а plaster cast, it was necessaгy � о employ two sucl1 beds, the sand being firmly held in boxes, if the object ,yas to Ье rounded, and then the two halves thus шаdе were put togetheг. Flat objects, such as fire-backs, could Ье run into а single mould. Bartholome,v, in his book " On the Properties of Things," шakes ceгtain statements about iron ,vhich ю·е interesting: " Thoнgh iron cometh of the earth, yet it is most harcl and sad, апd therefore with beatiпg and sшitiпg it sнppгesseth and dilateth all other metal, and maketh it stretch on Iength and on breadth." This is the key-note to the ,York of а Ыacksшith: it is ,vlшt he has done fгош tЬе fiгst, and is still doing. In Spain tЬere have Ьеев iгon шines ever since the <.1ays ,Yhen Pliny ,vгote and alluded to them, but tЬere ai·c few samples in tlшt coantтy to lead us to геgагd it as [EStЬetic in its purpose tшtil tЬе fifteenth century. For tempering jгon instгшнeпts, thel'c ai·e recipes given Ьу tl1e monk Theopmlus, Ьнt they are tшfoгtн­ nately quite uпqноtаЫе, being treatecl \\'ith medireval fгankness of exp1·ession. St. Dнnstan was the patгon of goldsmiths and Ыack­ smiths. Не was born in 925, and lived in Glastonbшy, where he became а шопk rather early iв life. Не поt only worked in metal, Ьнt ,vas а good musiciaп апd а gгeat scholar, in fact а genuine 1·otшded man of cultшe. Не bнilt an orgaп, по douЬt soшetЬing like the ове whicl1 Tl1eophilнs descгibes, ,Yhich, Bede tells us,

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