Искусства и ремесла Средневековья
Otl1er Metals
being fitted with " brass pipes, filled with air fJ'om the bello\vs, uttered а grand and most sweet me]ody." Dunstan was а favourite at court, in thc reigп of King Edmund. Enemies \Vere plentiful, howeve1', and they spread tЬе 1·ерогt that Dunstan evoked demoniac aid in his almost magical ,,·ork in its шаnу departments. It was said that occasioпally the evil spi1·its \\·ere too aggravating,ancl that in such cases Dunstan \vould stand no nonscnse. Тhеге is an old veгse: The same stoгy is told of St. Eloi, and рrоЬаЫу of most of the medimval a1·tistic spirits who wеге uпfortu nate enough to Ье hшnап in tl1eiг temperaшeвts and at the sаше time pious анd strнggling. Не ,vas greatly t1·ouЫed Ьу visitations sнch as persecнtecl St. Anthony. Ол one occasion, it is 1·elatecl that Ье ,vas busy at Ьis fШ'ge \vЬen tЬis fieпd \vas шшstшlly pcгsistent: St.. Dнn staп tuгncd uроп the deшon, апсl gшsped its nosc in the hot pincers, wllich pl'ovcd а шost sнccessfнl схогсisш. In old portraits, St. Dunstan is rcpгeseпtcd in full eec]e siastical haЫt, holding tl1e iгon pincers as syшbols of his pгo,vess. Не became AгchЬishop of СаntегЬш-у after haYiпg held the Sees of Worcester and London. Не joшneyed to Rоше, апd гeceived tlie pallitш1 of Priшate of tlн:� Anglo-Saxons, from Рорс Jоlш XII. Dtшstan ,vas а " St. Dunstan, so the st.ory goes, Once pulled the devil Ьу the nose, \-Vith red lюt tongs, which шаdе him roз.r That he was heard th1·ee шiles or more!"
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