Искусства и ремесла Средневековья
106 Arts апd Crafts iп tЬе l\iiddle Ages
in backgroпnds to the little silveг figures, are dark rose, clear Ыuе, and soft g1·een. The dresses of the persons are also pickecl опt in tЬе same coloшs, vaгied fгош the grounds. This cup was dга'NП Ьу John Caгter in 1787, he having Ьаd шпсl1 trouЫe iп gettiпg permission to study the Ol'iginal f 01' tlшt purpose ! Не took letters of introduction to the Coгpoгation, but they appearcd to suspect Ьiш of some impostшc; at first tl1ey refused to cntertain his pгoposal at all, but after severaI appli cations, he was allo,ved to Ьаvе the original before l1iш, in а closed !'оош, in company witЬ а pe1·son appointed Ьу them but at l1is ехрепsе, to ,vatcli hiш апd see that no harm саше to the precious cup ! The translпceпt enamels on relief ,Yere made а great deal Ьу the Italiaп goldsшitlis; Vasaгi allпdes to this class of "·ork as " а species of painting united ,vith scпlpture.'' As enamel саше Ьу degrees to Ье used as if it wеге paint, one of the chief charms of tЬе ai·t died. The liшits of this art were its strength, and simple st1·aight for,vaгd нsе of the material ,Yas its best expression. ТЬе шethod of making а painted enamel was as follows. 'The design was laid out with а stilus on а copper plate. Tl1en а flux of plaiп enamel was fused on to the surface, all over it. The drawing was then made again, on the sаше lines, iн а dark шеdiпш, and tlie colours ,vere laid flat inside the dark lines, accepting these lines as if they liad been wires агонnd cloisons. All paiпted enamels had to Ье enamelled on the back as well, to
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