Искусства и ремесла Средневековья



settiвg \Yitl1 the enaшel in transparent Ьits, without any metallic backg1·oнnd. It is still made in mапу parts of tЬе \voгld. \Yhen Ьeld to the light it resembles minute aпangernents of staiвed glass. Fгancis I. showed Benve1шto Celliпi а wonderful bo\vl of this description, and asked Cellini if he could possiЬly imagine 110,v the гesult was attained. "Sacred Majesty," 1·eplied Benvenuto, " I сап tel1 you exactly ho,v it is done," апd he proceeded to explain to the astonished coшtieгs how the bo,vl ,vas constшcted, Ьit Ьу Ьit, iпside а bowl of thin iron lined witl1 clay. ТЬе wiгes were fastened in place with glue нntil the design \\ r as cornplete, and the11 tl1e enaшel was рнt in place, the whole beiпg fнsed togetl1er at the soldering. The clay form to ,vhich all this teшpoгarily adhered ,vas tЬen rernoved, and the \York, tгanspareвt апd epherneгal, was ready to stand alone. Кing John gave to tlie city of Lyпn а magnificent cup of gold, enamelled, ,vitl1 figшes of courtieгs of the period, eлgaged in the spoгts of hawking and hare­ hнnting, and dressed iп tЬе costuшe of the king's reign. "Кing John gave to tl1e Coгporatioн а rich cup and cover," says Mackarel, "weighing seventy-three oпnces, which is preserved to this day апd upon all puЫic occasions апd ente1·taiпшeпts used \\'ith some uncommon ceгeшonies at d1·iпkiпg the health of the King or Queeп, and whoever goes to visit the Мауо1· must drink out of this cup, which contains а full pint." The colours of tl1e enamels which a.re used as flat values

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