Искусства и ремесла Средневековья
of the enaшels аге iп the Italian style, while otheгs аге evidently English. Limoges ,vas the most faшous centre of the art of enamelling in the t,ve]ftЪ centшy, the ,voгk bcing known as Opus de Limogia, 01· Labor Limogiae. Limoges ,vas а Roman settlement, апd enamels ,vere made tЬere as early as tl1e time of Philostratнs. Champleve enamel, ,vhile it was поt prodнced among the Greeks, no1· even in Byzantine woгk, ,vas almost invaгiaЫe at Liшoges in the earlier days: one can гeadily tel1 tЬе diffeгence bet\\ 1 een а Byzaнtine enaшel and an early I,imoges enamel Ьу this test, when theгe is otherwise sнfficient similaгity of design to ,varгant the qнcstioп. Some of the most beautiful enamels of Limoges were execнtcd iп what was called basse-taille, or transpaгeпt епашеl on gold grounds, wЬich had been fiгst prepared in bas-relief. Champleve enamcl \Yas oftcn used on copper, fог such things as pastoral staves, 1·eliquarics, and larger Ьits of church fшnitнrc. Tlie enaшel нsed on copper is usually opaque, and soшe,vhat coaгser iв textшe thaп that employed on gold or silvcг. Owing to thei1· additional toughness, tЬese speciшens are usually in perfect pгescrvation. In 1327, Gнillaшne dc Нагiе, in his will, bequeatl1ed 800 fгз.псs to make two high tombs, to Ьс covered with Limoges enamel, one for himself, and the otheг fo1· "Вlanche d'Avange, my dear companion." An interesting form of cloisonпe enamel ,vas that known as " plique а jour," which consists of а filigree
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