Искусства и ремесла Средневековья
102 Arts and Crafts iп tl1e l\1iddle Ages
specimen of thc art. The Madonna and Child, seatcd in an arbour, occupy thc centгe of the coшpositioп, ,vl1ich is framed ,vith jevvelled bands, the fraшe bcing divided into sixtecn coшpartments, in each of which is seen а tiny апd exquisite picture. The ,vork on thc аrЬош of roses in vvhicl1 the Yiгgin sits is of гешагkаЫс quality, as ,vcll as tl1e sшall Ьiгds and aniшals introdнced iнto the coшposition. Iп the backgrouncl, St. Christopheг is seen cгossing tЬе river with the Christ Child on Ьis back, ,vhile iп the ,vater а fish and а swaп are visiЫe. In Valencia in Spain may Ье seen а chalice \vhich lias Ьесп supposcd to Ьс tl1e very cup in vvhich Our Savioш institutcd the Coшmunion. ТЬе cup itself is of saгdonyx, апd of fiпe forш. The base is шаdе of the sаше stone, and handles and bands are of gold, adorned with Ыасk enaшel. Peaгls, rнЬies, sapphircs, and emcгalds агс set in profнsion about the steш and basc. It is а ,vork of the epoch of Imperial Rошс. In England, one of thc most peгfcct speciшens of fine, close work, is the ,vilton Chalice, dating f1·ош the t\velftЬ century. Thc ,v aлvick Bo,vl, too, is of very delicate ,voгkmanship, and both а1·е cove1·ed vvith minute scenes and figurcs. One of the most spleпdid treasures in this line is the crozicr of ,Villiam Wyckham, now in Oxfoгd. It is strictly national in stylc. The agreeшent entered into between Henry VII., and Abbot Islip, for tЬе bнilding of the �Ьареl of tliat kiпg in Westшinster, is extant. It is bound in vclvet and bossed with enamels. It is an interesting fact that some
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