Искусства и ремесла Средневековья
mнst Ье more fusiЫe than the шetal on whicl1 it is placed, or else both would melt togethe1·. Also the enaшel with ,,·hicl1 thc final decoration is executcd шнst Ье more easily made fluid than the harder cnaшel on which it is laid. In fact, each coat must of пecessity Ье а trifle шоrе fusiЫe than the preceding one. А vel'y accurate knowledge is necessary to execute such а ,vork, as will Ье readily unde1·stood. In exaшiniпg historic exaшples of enamel, the curioнs oval sct in gold, known as the Alfred Jewel, is among tl1e first which соше ,vitbln our pгovince. It was fouшl iв Soшersetshire, and рrоЬаЫу dates fгom about tlю year 878. It consists of an enamelled figure covered Ьу а thick crystal, set in filigгee, агош1d the edge of ,vhich runs the inscription, "AELFRED МЕС RЕнт GлvuR Сл.N" (Alfred ordered me to Ье ,vrought). Кing Alfred was а great patron of tl1e arts. Of such Anglo-Saxon ,vork, ап ancient роет in thc Exete1· Book testifies:
" For one а wondroнs skill in goblsшith's a1·t is provided Fнll oft he decorates a11d ,vell adorns А powerfнl king's noЫes."
Celtic enamels are interesting, being usually set in the spaces among the гamЬling interlaccs of this school ?f goldsmithing. The Cross of Cong is among thc most famous specimens of this work, and also the bosses on the Ardagh Chalice. Tl1e monk Theophilнs describes tl1e process of enamel ling iн а grapl1ic manner. Не diгects his ,vorkmeп to
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