The way what dreams may come | Tow- ada, Japan | Ryue Nishizawa | photos by Iwan Baan | text by Evgenia Bakhturova It is fascinating how polar architectural approaches and their comprehension by the audience may be. Any viewer today can si- multaneously admire showy designs in Dubai and Beijing and pure, clear, conscious and in a way Buddhist architecture in Japan and Northern Europe. In any case, the new proj- ect by Ryue Nishizawa, Kazuyo Sejima’s irre- placeable companion in SANAA, stands apart in the contemporary diversified and many- voiced architectural society. We would even rather not talk about it, it would be better to see it, although this project has an excit- ing history. Towada is a small town in the northern part of one of the largest Japanese islands Hon- shu, about two hours north of Tokyo. Taking into account that, according to demographic forecasts, the population of Japan will have shrunk by half by 2050, it is not surprising

Куда приводят мечты |

| Ryue Nishizawa | Towada Art

Товада, Япония

Center | фото Iwan Baan

| текст Евгения Бахтурова

80    ТАТLIN news 5|53|77 2009

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