Reflection of the past | Moscow, Russia | AS «Sergey Kisselev and Partners» | reorga- nization of the factory of «Krasnaya Roza 1875» | photos by V. Labutin, A. Rusov, A. Shamparov | text by Evgenia Bakhturova Reconstruction of the territory that formerly belonged to the «Krasnaya Roza» factory was one of the first steps in the conversion process Moscow-based developers took. Back in the 1990s transfer of industrial facilities started with this territory, later the ArtPlay designer centre, which was the first attraction for mem- bers of creative circles, was located there. In 2003 rehabilitation of the territory started based on the design by Sergey Kiselev and Partners, with an intention to build a multi- functional office facility. High density of construction along with discontinuity of functional contents seem to have not matched the desire of the develop- er to create an attractive space for investors,
поперечный разрез | cross section
продольный разрез | longitudal section
генплан | general layout
ситуационный план | site plan
Долгорукому, Засецким, а потом Всеволжским, один из которых решил- ся на организацию типографии в своем родовом гнезде. Начавшаяся с этого момента «фабричная история» территории завершилась, как из- вестно, в конце 90-х крахом шелкопрядильной фабрики. К началу 21 века на участке оставалось большое количество построек, в том чис- ле две, причисленные к памятникам архитектуры: усадьба Всеволж- ских конца 18 века и картинная галерея фабрики Жиро, возведенная по проекту Романа Клейна, не говоря о множестве менее ценных, но вполне добротных примеров краснокирпичной индустриальной архи- тектуры конца 19 века. Чтобы сохранить историческую среду и артикулировать процесс преемственности, заказчики и инвесторы решили частично сохранить и реставрировать старые постройки. Более того, комплекс презен- туется именно как исторический объект, в который инсталлируются объемы, современные по фасаду и функционалу. При этом в качестве компромисса между интеллектуальной и культурной необходимостью городского пространства и желанием заказчика иметь арендные пло-
however, historical buildings, which are many at the territory, have blended well with the project, which tries to form a place with a ge- nius loci, a complex with respect to its histori- cal surroundings instead of building a scamp- ish remake. And its context is rich: the facto- ry is an example of a district, which formed for years, if not ages, and bears a reflection of many historical times. The vast lands be- longed to Dolgoruky, the Zasetsky and then the Vsevolzhsky family, and one of the family members took the courage to establish a print shop in his patrimonial estate. The history of the factory in this area, which started at that moment, is known to have ended in the late 90s with a wreck of a filature factory. Many buildings, two of them having a status of mon- uments of architecture, remained at the site at the beginning of the 21st century: the Vsevol- zhsky homestead of the late 18th century and an art gallery of the Zhiro factory designed by
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