план 2-го этажа | 2nd level plan
план 4-го этажа | 4th level plan
economic disciplines and global communica- tion processes. As the personal aspiration of students are considered very important, the building designed by AHMM should have ena- bled different types of places to study. The ar- chitects have chosen the concept of «vectors», i.e. absolutely flexible areas that don’t restrict communication and collaboration processes. The academy is surrounded mostly by high- rise houses built in the 1960s, Harrow Road, one of the oldest London roads, and some sport grounds. The architects decided to re- flect the sculptural surrounding landscape with big height amplitude in the five-storey- house itself, having surrounded it with the rib- bons of glazed ceramic tiles of green and yel- low colors and added glass ribbon – evidently, to ensure more natural light. The large area sport hall is housed in the building next door, that is styled differently: instead of ceramic panels articulated metal frames and much glass the hall’s fa ç ade and the passway to it are surfaced with wood. The interior of the main building is designed as the ‘market square’ – this is a five-light atri- um from which one can access all the rooms on the first floor and that is visually connected to
120 ТАТLIN news 5|47|64 2008
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